
Dharma is the timeless, boundless and natural rhythm of cosmos. It expresses itself in the form of individual person and the universe as we know it. Sat-Chit-Ananda (Existence-Consciousness-Bliss) is the experience of union with this cosmic rhythm, which is a feeling of ever moving, expanding and evolving awareness of life bringing bliss to the individual.

Knowingly and unknowingly we all seek joy and delight in our lives. Whether it’s a religious person or an atheist, criminal or righteous, poor or rich, scientist or artist, ruler or ruled, all yearn to arrive at Sat-Chit-Ananda. But more often than not, many of us wander away from it. Such wanderings result from trying to possess those moments and things through which we get a glimpse of Sat-Chit-Ananda. Possession gives a sense of false security and stability. We wrongly identify Sat-Chit-Ananda with things and memories we possess. To attempt to hold on to any moment, person, or thing, is like trying to capture and hold rays of the sun in the palm of our hand.

Beyond survival and comfortable living, possession of wealth, power or million more things to experience Sat-Chit-Ananda, brings fear and sorrow, makes life stagnant and eventually suffocates it. Beyond a point, possession is destructive, both for the individual and the earth. Belonging and not possessing, maintains the movement and flow of living, which is the essence of cosmic rhythm. One may belong to the whole world and yet possesses nothing.

Is it possible then to come back to the core and center of life, dance with the cosmic rhythm and feel the delight and rapture of it conscious movement? This book explores such tools and paths which may help in such a journey.

P.S. These paths and tools are helpful in the beginning and in the beginning only. Later on we have to discover and create our own tools and walk our own paths.

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